Handbell Musicians of America is committed to upholding the copyright laws of the United States and protecting the rights of our publishers, arrangers and composers. No photocopied music may be used or brought to the event as this violates copyright and is illegal. All music must be original. If purchased in digital format the music must show that it was purchased by that individual for personal use, purchased by your group for a specific number of copies, or purchased as a digital license with the permission page included with the music.

You are responsible for purchasing and rehearsing the music. Repertoire notes regarding problem solving, corrections, and other items may be sent at various times before the event. Music may be purchased directly from publishers or from any music retailer. Our preferred retailers include: Heitz Handbells & Music, Jeffers Handbell Supply, and J.W. Pepper.

If you wish to use a tablet computer to hold your music in place of standard paper copies on a music stand, you must contact the publisher of each piece of music to first obtain permission to convert a purchased piece of music to the format required for the tablet you are using. Copies of the written permission received from publishers must be presented on request from the event organizer, event chair, or Handbell Musicians of America staff. Permission from a publisher for one piece does not imply permission for other songs from the same publisher. The title of each song used in this format must be included in the written permission received. Attendee should also have legally purchased copies of all music with them for verification.

Please be aware that by attending this event you consent to your voice, name, and/or likeness being used, without compensation, in films, videos, and photos for use in all media types, whether known or hereafter devised; and you release Handbell Musicians of American Area 9, its agents, and its successors from liability whatsoever of any nature.

CANCELLATION POLICY: This cancellation policy applies to refunds for ANY reason, including medical, family, and business. Fee refunds minus a $100 cancellation penalty will be made for written or email cancellations received by April 30, 2024. Cancellations received by May 10, 2024, will be refunded 50% of registration fee. After May 10, 2022, registration is not refundable. The date of cancellation will be the date the cancellation is RECEIVED by the event registrar, Diana Montgomery, at [email protected].

Table Space

If you are attending with a group of any size, please make sure only one registrant from your group enters information below.


Billing Information

  • Visa
  • Mastercard
  • American Express
  • Discover
RegFox Event Registration Software